Airmail To Africa

Kristen, Julie, and Kelsy are three crazy ladies who are setting off on an adventure of a lifetime! Yes, they are heading to the poorest country in the world, Sierra Leone, Africa! They will be working with the Christian organization, Children of the Nations, whose ministry is working with destitute and orphaned children worldwide. Please be in prayer as they embark on this journey.

Location: Alaska, United States

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What a Week!

Every three months Sarah and I have to take de-worming medicine to rid our bodies of any worms that may have found their way into our bodies. So on Sunday we decided to have a little de-worming party, complete with gummie worms and chocolate pudding. I hope it worked!

We seem to have adopted some children while being here. Brima- is a five year old boy who is being treated at the malnourish baby clinic. When we first met Brima, he would barely look at us. But on Monday, we broke his shell and now he's never really apart from us(except at night). We've started taking him to school with us and he has really blossomed in the last five days. It's amazing what a little love will do. David and Sudie- are two children that live in our compound. Both their parents have died and so Sarah and I have loved spoiling them these past two weeks.

In school this week, we've started reading groups with the class six students and the class five students. One problem we've noted is that many of the children don't know how to read and they've never been given proper instruction in reading and phonics. So Sarah and I are trying to fill in the gaps for these students and also trying to impress on the teachers the importance of phonics intstruction. Much of the instruction is based on memorization, so these children have been taught to memorize but they have no idea what they are memorizing, let alone, what it means. An example of this is that sometimes when we ask them a question, they just repeat it back!

On Wednesday we accompanied the pastor to a neighboring village to do evangelizing and attend a baptism class they are conducting for new believers. Sarah had the opportunity to meet the town cheif and witness to him. It was quite an experience for her and we hope and pray that some of what she said will get through.

We've had a great week and are continuing to love it here. Please pray for the children here and the teachers. Pray that the teachers would have open ears to what we have to share and the willingness to try it in their classrooms. Please pray for Brima, he is continuing to improve but once he leaves this program we're not sure if he will go back to the way he was or if he will be cared for and provided for.


Blogger Kristen said...

What a cute little family you have made with the children..I am so proud to have a sister who is doing amazing things every single day. I love you and keep eating those gummy worms!

12:41 PM  

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