Airmail To Africa

Kristen, Julie, and Kelsy are three crazy ladies who are setting off on an adventure of a lifetime! Yes, they are heading to the poorest country in the world, Sierra Leone, Africa! They will be working with the Christian organization, Children of the Nations, whose ministry is working with destitute and orphaned children worldwide. Please be in prayer as they embark on this journey.

Location: Alaska, United States

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Home Takeover

Here is Julie with three of the Room One boys - Alpha, Papay and Christian. She and another girl, Kai, had the challenge of keeping track of 10 boys ages 4-7 during the home takeover. Let's just say a few fist fights, a few wet beds and nightmares later, the appreciation for all that the caregivers do was even greater than it was before! Hearing their high little voices praising God last thing at night and first thing in the morning made it all worth it.


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