Airmail To Africa

Kristen, Julie, and Kelsy are three crazy ladies who are setting off on an adventure of a lifetime! Yes, they are heading to the poorest country in the world, Sierra Leone, Africa! They will be working with the Christian organization, Children of the Nations, whose ministry is working with destitute and orphaned children worldwide. Please be in prayer as they embark on this journey.

Location: Alaska, United States

Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas in Pictures

I'm sorry I"m a little technologically challenged, so I can figure out how to put a caption under each picture, so I"ll just explain them now(top to bottom).

  1. Christmas morning with our boys before we went to church!
  2. Our beautiful Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, yes it's fake.
  3. Brima with his stocking that we made, we were trying to introduce the stocking tradition to Sierra Leone.
  4. David with his stocking
  5. Brima playing outside, having an opportunity to be a child!
  6. Aminata(one of the sweetest community children, she mimicks us a lot so we have a chance to see what we look like and sound like!) at our church service for the community kids where we passed out presents and breakfast.
  7. Alice in her shades! At Christmas all the kids get these sunglasses, watches and a new outfit! Alice tends to suck her tongue, can you tell!
  8. Spengy, Abdu, and Momoh receiving their Christmas presents, wearing their new cloths that make them look like gangsters!
  9. Theresa and Isata in their frilly dresses! Yes, we had a home full of princesses and gangsters on Christmas morning!
  10. On Boxing Day, Dec. 26, we were feeling a bit brave and took all the children to the beach(one of the busiest beach days of the year, oh and did I mention that there were 90 children?) Being brave really wasn't enough, lets just say I prayed the whole time we were there! Life guards aren't really a priority and the children don't know how to swim. Only by the grace of God!


Blogger Trish said...

Kristen! It sounds like you had a great Christmas. I wanted to let you know that I LOVE reading your blog! It is so uplifting and encouraging to see how God is using you to touch the lives of so many people and children. I admire you! Take care!

God Bless,
Trish Cudney

3:32 PM  

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