Christmas in Pictures
I'm sorry I"m a little technologically challenged, so I can figure out how to put a caption under each picture, so I"ll just explain them now(top to bottom).
- Christmas morning with our boys before we went to church!
- Our beautiful Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, yes it's fake.
- Brima with his stocking that we made, we were trying to introduce the stocking tradition to Sierra Leone.
- David with his stocking
- Brima playing outside, having an opportunity to be a child!
- Aminata(one of the sweetest community children, she mimicks us a lot so we have a chance to see what we look like and sound like!) at our church service for the community kids where we passed out presents and breakfast.
- Alice in her shades! At Christmas all the kids get these sunglasses, watches and a new outfit! Alice tends to suck her tongue, can you tell!
- Spengy, Abdu, and Momoh receiving their Christmas presents, wearing their new cloths that make them look like gangsters!
- Theresa and Isata in their frilly dresses! Yes, we had a home full of princesses and gangsters on Christmas morning!
- On Boxing Day, Dec. 26, we were feeling a bit brave and took all the children to the beach(one of the busiest beach days of the year, oh and did I mention that there were 90 children?) Being brave really wasn't enough, lets just say I prayed the whole time we were there! Life guards aren't really a priority and the children don't know how to swim. Only by the grace of God!
Kristen! It sounds like you had a great Christmas. I wanted to let you know that I LOVE reading your blog! It is so uplifting and encouraging to see how God is using you to touch the lives of so many people and children. I admire you! Take care!
God Bless,
Trish Cudney
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