Airmail To Africa

Kristen, Julie, and Kelsy are three crazy ladies who are setting off on an adventure of a lifetime! Yes, they are heading to the poorest country in the world, Sierra Leone, Africa! They will be working with the Christian organization, Children of the Nations, whose ministry is working with destitute and orphaned children worldwide. Please be in prayer as they embark on this journey.

Location: Alaska, United States

Saturday, February 24, 2007


We are fastly approaching the end of February. It's hard to believe and then at the same time it's not.
We are continuing our work here in Banta! The new schools are coming up beautifully and we are so excited to be there when the teachers move in. The teacher continue to work hard and are preparing themselves for this coming academic term when the children's home in Freetown is planning to move to Banta where they will live in a more village like setting. Many changes are taking place at COTN-Sierra Leone! It's is so exciting to be able to see and take part in that. However, I will just missing this big move and hope that someday in the near future I will have to opportunity to return to this place and see how the kids are doing in their new homes! Please be in prayer for COTN as we prepare for these changes. Pray for our children as well, that they would be able to adapt to this change and that Banta would welcome their new members.

Sarah and I continue to have good health. We are just amazed each day that passes, how fast our time is flying by here. In a little over four months we will be back home, trying to figure out life again, as if we really can. We love it here and have adapted to the lifestyle as you can see. Please pray for us as our minds have already begun to think about what life will look like when we come home. We pray that we would not get ahead of ourselves and start planning the rest of our lives but that we would be focused on the task at hand and continue in the focus right till the end. Also pray for patience with ourselves and our families as the transition back can be a very confusing time for both sides. I feel like I am already feeling this "re-entry shock" as they call it and I'm not even home yet, and by the way it's still four months until I will be!

I began this blog not know what to write. To be honest, sometimes it is really hard to know what to say. So in return you got some bits of random information. But I really just wanted to send my greetings from Banta and post some pictures! I pray that this entry finds you all well. My friend Julie sent me these verses as encouragement and I wanted to share them with you:
"As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul - not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strenth God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that He has for us."
Colossians 1, the Message
God Bless


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