Airmail To Africa

Kristen, Julie, and Kelsy are three crazy ladies who are setting off on an adventure of a lifetime! Yes, they are heading to the poorest country in the world, Sierra Leone, Africa! They will be working with the Christian organization, Children of the Nations, whose ministry is working with destitute and orphaned children worldwide. Please be in prayer as they embark on this journey.

Location: Alaska, United States

Monday, March 12, 2007

Prayer Requests

First of all for perseverance, I have really struggled with thoughts of home lately, but I know that I must stay here in body and mind for the next three and a half months.

Please pray for patience for both Sarah and I. Lately we have had a few things come up with the organization that have been a bit frustrating, so please pray they we would have patience and understanding for the people in authority and the people with work with.

Pray for the people of Banta, that they would see the light and live in the freedom that Christ offers us, that they would be people with integrity who seek the face of the Lord with all they have.

Pray for the up-coming elections, they it would be a peaceful, fair election, that the man elected would genuinely care for his people and their advancement and well-being.

Praises: for the healthy delivery of Auntie Batu's baby, Sarah, and the baby delivered last night; the new school building are almost finished


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